Job Seeker FAQs

We often can send you on a temporary assignment in a day or two, particularly if you have the skills our clients need. Job openings change daily, and you’ll be considered based on your preferences as well as your skills. You should be sure to contact us about your availability at least once a week.

Absolutely not! Our services are always free to our candidates/employees.

The Synergy Employment Group! We understand why this may be confusing. After all, some of our employees never see us once they’re on a long-term assignment. But until you’re hired on to the client company’s payroll (and you’ll definitely know before you are) you are our employee. Which is why it’s so important that you contact us if you’re going to be late or miss a day of work. We will then contact your assignment supervisor. Also, if one of our clients expresses interest in hiring you itself – that’s great news! Call us as soon as the client mentions this, and we’ll work out all the details.

Simply stop by our office where you will spend at least 30 to 45 minutes with us as you fill out an application at our kiosk. We’ll then interview you in person to learn more about what you’re looking for, the types of jobs you’re qualified for and what your goals are. Depending on your skills and our openings, we may spend a bit more time with you discussing particular opportunities. In addition, some of our clients have specific skills testing or screening requirements (such as a drug screen), so you may spend more time with us then. Please be advised that some of our positions also require a drug screen. We’ll let you know so if you’re offered a position that requires this. You can also learn more about our hiring

Of course! We know that not every job is a good fit. We also know that some of our employees work on temporary assignments for the flexibility it provides them. For example, if you’d like to take a few days off, just let us know when we offer you a position or when you’re coming off an assignment. And – not to worry – we’ll still offer you positions based on our clients’ needs and your skills and experience. Just be sure to let us know of your availability!

Please call us once a week to confirm your availability. We also want you to contact us when you’re finishing up an assignment, either at one of our clients’ or from another staffing firm, to let us know you’re available for another assignment.

We understand that sometimes a job can sound great in the beginning and then turn out not to be as expected. If this happens to you, please contact us as soon as possible. We may ask you to stay on the assignment until we can find a replacement. But rest assured that we’ll work to fix the situation as soon as possible. Communication is key: Talk to us when you’re unhappy (and when you’re thrilled; we love to hear you’re happy!).

Call us as soon as you know that the assignment will be ending. If not, call us as soon as you’re available for work. (Hint: the first option is best.)

First of all: Congratulations! That’s wonderful news! Call us as soon as you’re offered a position and we’ll work with your assignment supervisor(s) to make the transition seamless!

W-2 tax forms are mailed automatically to all temporary employees by the end of January each year. In the event that you do not receive your W-2 before January 30, please contact your staffing supervisor. Call (717) 450-5442 (Lebanon office) or (717) 824-4005 (Lancaster office).

To obtain a confirmation of employment, please call your staffing supervisor. Be sure to have all the necessary details on hand (contact name, institution, address, etc.) Your staffing supervisor will ensure that your letter is prepared and sent to you by e-mail, fax, or mail.

Send any changes to your personal information to your staffing supervisor. Call (717) 450-5443 (Lebanon office) or (717) 824-4005 (Lancaster office).

If you are injured while working at a client’s site, please report the incident to your worksite supervisor immediately and then inform your staffing supervisor. Prompt and accurate fact gathering is critical at this time. For your protection, you should prepare a report in writing, in order that we can file a workers’ compensation claim on your behalf.